Senior Fellow
Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
Speaking about the Foundation for Energy Security & Innovation (FESI)
7:30-8:30 a.m. (EDT)
In person at the UT Outreach Center in Oak Ridge & on Zoom
In-Person (Registration Not Needed)
Meetings are held in the UT Outreach Center in Oak Ridge. Guests of our members are welcome. Find more information about our Friday morning meetings here.
Virtual Attendees (Please Register)
To participate in the meeting via Zoom, register for this and future Friday meetings by clicking here.
Upcoming Friday Morning Meetings
August 18 - Terry Frank, Mayor, Anderson County
August 25 - Featured Friday with the ETEC Board (All members and their guests are welcome to attend.)
September 1 - No ETEC, Labor Day Holiday Weekend
September 8 - Mike Odom, President and CEO, Knoxville Chamber
Regional Partner Events: August & September
ETEC's Nuclear Opportunities Workshop was held on August 1 & 2 at the Hilton Knoxville Airport with over 400 industry professionals and students in attendance.
At the event Roane State Community College announced the launch of a Nuclear Technology Program with a $100,000 contribution from UT-Battelle, LLC, which manages and operates Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for DOE.
ORNL's interim director, Jeff Smith also talked about positive attributes the State of Tennessee has to attract companies. Workforce is one, but there are gaps to be filled. ORNL, with input from ETEC's Nuclear Working Group, compiled a workforce 'map' titled Nuclear Is Here. Conference participants were invited to give feedback on the future workforce needed for the nuclear industry. If you have thoughts or needs to share, visit this link to add your comments to the discussion.
Click here to read Tom Ballard's article recapping Day 2 of the NOW Conference. And watch for more news from NOW next week!
Environmental Management News
Education & Workforce News
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
―Dr. Seuss
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! In honor of National Book Lovers Day
- To learn more about ETEC and the Friday morning meetings, visit our website.
- To learn more about membership and to join, click here.
To see details about your membership, to pay, or visit the Members Only Information Hub, log in here.
If you are having trouble logging in, email Nicole.