
Select An Option

Our Entrepreneur-Start Up Membership is open to businesses that are within 1-2 years of the company start and have less than 5 FTEs. The $375 rate is a 50% discount off our Small Corporate Membership and is for 1st year only. Your membership includes the following benefits:

  • Weekly opportunities to interact with senior management of federal, contractor, and small/large business community
  • News and event updates through weekly e-newsletter subscription
  • Access to the ‘Members Only’ portion of the ETEC website
  • Number of company employees who may attend ETEC meetings: 1
  • Opportunity to bring guests to weekly meetings and other events
  • Opportunity to serve on ETEC Board and/or special committees
  • Invitation to special events
  • New member: logo and company description in one ETEC newsletter
  • New member introduction at 1 weekly meeting (1-2 minutes, no slides)
  • Organization name and weblink placed on ‘Our Members’ webpage
  • Organization profile listed in the online ‘Member’s Only’ directory
  • Key employee profiles listed in the online ‘Member’s Only’ directory

Special Nonprofit Membership discounts are given to select 501(c)3 organizations at ETEC's discretion. The cost of the annual membership is $375, which is half of our small corporate membership rate. We ask our non-profit members to be sensitive of our corporate members and not to do any fundraising at ETEC-hosted meetings and events.

Retired individuals who still want to be active in the ETEC community are welcome to join at a reduced rate. This is an individual membership which means that a company name will not be listed in the online membership directory or on your Friday morning meeting nametag. Also, your individual membership will not be listed in the online public membership directory.

Honorary memberships are granted at the discretion of the ETEC staff. These members usually include city, state, or federal government representatives, programs, or institutions. 

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