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Internships In Industry Form - Intern Request Form

Thank you for your interest in having a high school junior/senior or college student work with you. Please fill out this form and hit the submit button. Your submission will be sent to Oak Ridge, Anderson County, Clinton High School or Roane State Community College depending on your selections. A representative from the school will be in contact with you right before the semester begins and will match you with a student(s). You will have the opportunity to meet with the student(s) prior to confirming the internship(s). If you have any questions or issues with this form please email

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Organization Info

Business Services (Human Resources, Marketing, Accounting, General Office, Business Development)
Construction, Skilled Craft, Technical Labor
Engineering, Architectural, Nuclear (Chemical Engineering, Nuclear Technician)
Health Sciences/Services (Environmental)
Information Technology (Cybersecurity, Computer Science)
Manufacturing (Mechatronics, Advanced Manufacturing)
Contact Info

Internship Info

Please choose business, technical, or both. It is okay if you don't know at this time.
-- Business means the student would be learning aspects of how a company runs, maybe rotating through difference departments.
-- Technical could include more industry specific job shadowing or projects.


If you don't know at this time, it is fine. We can follow back up with you later on this. This question is more to let you know what is available. The Items with an * asterisk describe college-level interns.

Business Services, Human Resources, Marketing, Accounting, General Office, Business Development
Construction, Skilled Craft, Technical Labor
Engineering, Architectural, Nuclear: Chemical Engineering*, Nuclear Technician*
Health Sciences/Services, Environmental*
Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Science
Manufacturing, Mechatronics*, Advanced Manufacturing*

High School Junior/Senior
Community College
Must be Over 18
No Preference

If you know this, please check one or more boxes below. 

Summer 2024 (College Level Only)
Fall 2024
Spring 2025

Choose one if you have this information.

This can be fine-tuned later. Anderson County students are available to start work daily at 12:30 p.m. Oak Ridge School students would be available after 12:00 noon or 1:30 p.m. (Does not include travel time.) Check all that apply.

Please note that Community College students may not fall under these parameters. Their hours are flexible and it will be up to you as the employer to set the hours with the student(s). Please fill out this section as best as you can.

1 ½ Hours (90 minutes)
2 Hours
3 Hours
4 Hours
I'm open to them working after school hours or on weekends.
I need more information before I answer this.

Please list a few tasks the student would be doing, or write a brief description of the project you would like the student to work on. If you don't know at this time, it is fine. We can follow back up with you later on this.

At this point, I understand that the school(s) will need full disclosure of all expectations and requirements that I, as the employer, has during the application process and during the course of the student’s employment. I know that the schools will work with me and the student(s) during this process to facilitate the success of the experience for us both.

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