ETEC - Ozlem Kilic, Dean, College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

ETEC - Ozlem Kilic, Dean, College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Friday, July 12, 2024 (7:30 AM - 8:30 AM) (EDT)
Join us at ETEC in person or virtually on Friday, July 12 at 7:30am for a presentation from Dr. Ozlem Kilic, Dean of the College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies (CECS) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her bio is below.
Dr. Kilic will talk about the new CECS, give updates about programs, and discuss how industry and higher education can continue to collaborate to improve employment outcomes and skill the workers of the future.
College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies is a first-of-its-kind future-driven college where students can customize their education to prepare for careers of the future. Serving as a hub for collaboration, CECS brings together campus expertise to develop content with hands-on experiences on emerging topics that cut through conventional disciplines and change the way we live and work. Through its strong industry partnerships, CECS provides students with timely workforce skills resulting in a viable path to rewarding careers upon graduation.
“CECS is dedicated to giving students the opportunity to forge their own path and customize their educational journey to meet their needs and interests as well as the needs of the future workforce..."
Dr. Ozlem Kilic on Tennessee Higher Education Commission Approves Three CECS Degrees
This month's ETEC Friday Morning Meeting Series are sponsored by Boston Government Services.
No registration is necessary for in-person attendance.
Click here to register for the VIRTUAL meeting (note, this is a NEW link for the 2024 ETEC Friday morning meetings):
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Dr. Ozlem Kilic
Dean, College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies (CECS)
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ozlem Kilic is the Dean of the College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies. Before this, she was the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs for the Tickle College of Engineering, Professor, and served as the Associate Dean of Engineering at the Catholic University of America.
Prior to that, she was an Electronics Engineer at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi MD where she managed Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Programs for the development of hybrid numerical electromagnetic tools to analyze and design electrically large structures, such as the Rotman lens. She has also designed, fabricated and tested various prototypes of Rotman lenses to achieve the broadband scanning capabilities needed for military antennas.
Kilic has over five years of industry experience at COMSAT Laboratories as a Senior Engineer and Program Manager with specialization in satellite communications, link modeling and analysis, and modeling, design and test of phased arrays and reflector antennas for satellite communications system.
Kilic’s research interests include antennas, wave propagation, satellite communications systems, microwave remote sensing, computational electromagnetics, high performance computing for electromagnetics and large problems, hardware acceleration, human vital sign detection with rf, wave propagation, radiation and scattering in random media, detection and tracking, compressive sensing implementation of em problems.

1201 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 United States
Come to the back corner of the building. The entrance faces the Quality Inn and Applebee's. Look for an awning and sign that says University of Tennessee Outreach Center.
Click here to register for the VIRTUAL version of the meeting:
Hailey Lewis
Complimentary coffee, bagels, muffins and pastries served.